Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Obituary: "Encontro Paulista de Automóveis Antigos", aka "Águas de Lindóia" - 1996 - 2008

Last weekend was the end of an era for brazilian old car gatherings. The event formerly known as "Evento Paulista de Automóveis Antigos", died, unforntunately still in its teens. Victim of bloated market prices, a healthy dose of greed by its staff, an uncanny unnapreciation of real classics, and a total prostitution of its values, the event, which held at one point 800 fine vintage automobiles, most of them imported classics from the 40s-70s, left behind about a hundred orfans, which still believed in it´s nature as a good car show.
Lack of infra-structure of the small town, date proximity to "Araxá Top Classics" (arguably the best vintage car gathering in Brazil), and absurdly high registration and hotel prices were the main culprits of it´s demise. Also to blame, the "we want money" line of thought from the creators of the event, which year after year, relegated good cars and tradition to a secondary plane, and corrupted the field of cars shown on the park. This year, the lack of real classics was quite palatable, as seen by the fact that the "Best in Show" trophy wasn´t awarded to a car, but to a fire engine truck! Not that it was a bad choice, but it reflects the total lack of support that the event had from more traditional car collectors, which wasn´t really helpful in the dying state that the event shown itself.
More to come during the week, including pictures. Stay Tuned.

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